Everyday Learning, Exploring and Growing

CORS Head Start engages parents
and children for school success.

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Early Head Start
Head Start

CORS Head Start

In 1975, Council on Rural Services made a commitment to become the regional leader of extraordinary pre-school educational programs to families in West Central Ohio. Professional educators lead each of our 18 licensed centers to ensure every child in our programs has top-rated learning experiences in a safe, child-friendly environment.

CORS Head Start has supported parents nurturing more than 30,000 children. We have helped to inspire each child to discover their capabilities and talents. Our goal is to prepare them for the greatest possible success beginning the first day they enter school and everyday that follows.

We welcome you to learn more about our programs and encourage you to visit your local CORS Head Start.

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Fairborn teacher, Mary Mohr, was honored Friday evening at Edison Community College as the ECE Student of the Year!